
We offer a variety of services that you might not know about!

Did you know that  Car & Vehicle Locksmith Honolulu can . . .

  • Make keys for an existing lock, even if you lost the key?
  • Duplicate and program vehicle transponder (chip) keys?
  • Make and program car transponder (chip) keys, even if you lost all the originals?
  • Make and program laser cut keys, even if you lost the originals?
  • Re-key your broken ignition for cheaper than replacing the entire thing?
  • Re-key existing locks to match an existing Master Key System?

Lost Your Car Keys? Our skilled locksmiths can re-create your original car keys using a variety of techniques:

  1. Use VIN to make keys
  2. Programming electronic car keys by PIN code
  3. Cut car keys by key code
  4. Impressioning vehicle locks
  5. De-coding car lock

One of the most-requested jobs we get deals with keys. We make keys for almost anything--even if you lost the originals. We can extract broken car keys, create car keys from broken pieces, and make vehicle key duplicates that are guaranteed to work. Car & Vehicle Locksmith Honolulu in a High-Tech Mobile WorkshopRare in Hawaii, we can cut and program electronic transponder chip keys as well as laser-cut keys for your vehicle.

At The Key Guy: Car & Vehicle Locksmith Honolulu, we don't just do cars, trucks, motorcycles, mopeds, etc. We service all types of lock hardware, including locks for vehicles, homes, condominiums, military and commercial buildings.

Call us for free estimates and consultation on all services, 377-4226 on Oahu. A Professional Locksmith will arrive at your door usually within 30 minutes to most Oahu locations. We are at the phone right now, waiting to serve you!

The Key Guy: Car & Vehicle Locksmith Honolulu's Master Locksmith Services Include:

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The Key Guy: Car & Vehicle Locksmith Honolulu and all The Key Guy affiliates are kama'aina companies located in Hawaii. Support local businesses!